View single post by Doug Tenney
 Posted: Wed Sep 6th, 2017 01:34 pm
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Doug Tenney


Joined: Sat Apr 29th, 2017
Posts: 73
Yeah.  The good thing with club racing is, you usually know what the other guys are going to do when the green drops.  (In my case, they all do pretty much the same thing: disappear into the forward horizon :q).

I guess the "take away" lesson was, pushing the envelope to stubbornly hold one's line into the very first turn wasn't worth it.  Especially since the field spread out pretty quickly on the restart anyway, as it usually does.

Oh well.   Oreville's sweeper has a decreasing radius... come in a bit too hot and it'll get ya.  Ask me how I know...

THE GOOD NEWS IS: we have a couple of new karts running vintage rear!  They don't come along every day.  Onward and upward!

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