View single post by Carl Haydt
 Posted: Wed Sep 6th, 2017 01:50 am
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Carl Haydt


Joined: Sun Apr 9th, 2017
Posts: 39
Hi Tom,Let's just say a new driver at Oreville can be thankful that Barry's years of driving experience avoided a hard t-bone hit to him as the new driver ran out of talent going into the first turn just 50 feet after taking the green in our heat race and promptly spun in front of the rest of the field that had Barry behind the new driver,me behind Barry and Doug Tenney behind me.
Barry had no choice but to take a head on hit to the styrofoam and unfortunately he had enough momentum to have the kart flip and end up on top of him.
I had the foresight to know enough to keep an eye on the new guy (as neither Barry or I drove against him yet)and so going into the turn I was looking past Barry and saw the guy start to spin about the same time Barry did so I had enough time to clear Barry and spin my kart enough that I just backed it into the foam.
Doug managed to spin his kart also but unfortunately backed into Barry's upside down kart resulting in a puncture & crack to his engine shroud.
Anyway,the good news is nobody got hurt and we'll all race again another day.

The track photographer got pics of it & I'll post them as soon as I receive them.

Now onto your question, This front axle is just one of Joel's regular stock ones,I believe it's .065 he normally uses.He made me two of these complete with front bumpers.
He will make the axle out of .095 or .120 if you want you just need to let him know.
I'm in a time crunch to get this kart back together otherwise I would normally replace the tubular front bumper with a solid bar one as I like the added nose weight it offers.
The ackerman steering is just one of several things I tried on this chassis as my theory is "you'll never know until you try it" and having Barry as a driver means you WILL know if what you changed was good or not.
If he looks at you and says " load that piece of #*+! back on the trailer" you can assume he didn't like the changes I made to the kart :):):)

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