View single post by Terry Woodin
 Posted: Fri Jun 10th, 2022 03:42 am
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Terry Woodin


Joined: Fri Aug 17th, 2018
Location: Springfield 49037, USA
Posts: 19
I would like to take the time to thank forum members, who unselfishly took time to answer some questions for me during the restoration of my Sears 300. Thank you Dan D, Steve K, and Paul W. This kart was purchased at a farm sale 4 years ago, and it was basically in three pieces!! frame rails cut just behind steering hoop, and cut just behind the seat back.I do not know why the front was cut..maybe a tall driver, but I do know the rear was cut to lengthen the wheelbase, in order to install a motorcycle motor! I hope, all in all, my wife, and I was able to rescue some history from the scrap yard. By the way, my wife will start the upholstery in the late summer, when she has the extra time. once again thank you all!

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