View single post by Terry Woodin
 Posted: Tue Nov 2nd, 2021 02:56 pm
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Terry Woodin


Joined: Fri Aug 17th, 2018
Location: Springfield 49037, USA
Posts: 19
I was just wondering if any of my Karting brothers, could tell me what the wheelbase, from the factory, is on a Sears 300 kart. I believe mine is a 1960/61. One of the former owners of this kart, cut the frame under the motor plates, and stretched the wheelbase to the rear, to 52 inches!!! so a motorcycle engine could be mounted. What a shame! I have checked all my vintage mags and advertisements, and have not come up with an answer as yet. I can reclip the frame with no problem, I just need a wheelbase measurement. Thank you to all in advance, I appreciate ALL of you, and this websight. Terry Woodin.

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