View single post by Dean Seavers
 Posted: Tue Jan 26th, 2021 07:20 pm
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Dean Seavers


Joined: Wed Jul 15th, 2020
Location: California USA
Posts: 5
We’ve all been monitoring the Covid situation, and with the short supply and struggles with the logistics on the vaccine rollout here in California, they are saying a sizable number of the population here in the state won’t have the vaccine until mid-summer. With that, and the situation being a bit further complicated by the fact that the Prairie City Kart Track is part of a State Park, it is very likely that the restrictions that are currently in place (no more than 100 people on the grounds, period, plus no camping) will still be in place on the May 8/9 dates.

So with that, we figured that there was no point in waiting until the beginning of April to enact plan B, as outlined in my last email and update on the website, and move the Reunion to Friday and Saturday September 17th and 18th.

I hope the date change doesn’t prevent folks who were planning on attending in May from making the September date. Conversely, I hope it opens things up for folks who were unable to make it or uncomfortable with the situation on the original weekend and that we’ll see you there. The program will be exactly the same. I will be updating the website and all the forums and so forth in the next day or two.

As a kind of consolation, when I talked with Donald at Prairie City and we decided to move the meet to September, I brought up having us out there on a practice day in May. He’s more than happy to have us vintage karters out there on Saturday, May 8. So local Nor Cal folks, (or anyone who wants to) feel free to come out and run. It will be shared sessions with the modern club, but we’ve done that twice already and everyone has gotten plenty of driving time, and the modern karters have been both fantastic to us and enjoyed seeing us run. I hope you’ll consider it. The practice fee is $35.

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