View single post by Doug Tenney
 Posted: Sun Oct 4th, 2020 02:43 am
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Doug Tenney


Joined: Sat Apr 29th, 2017
Posts: 73
When it's working correctly, a US 820 with a single Tillotson HL is a very stable, forgiving combination.
Sorry if you mentioned already, but as Terry said, you need to verify that the pulse passageway is open all the way from the underside of the reeds to the carb flange.  The carb flange gasket will fit onto the studs 4 different ways, but only one is correct.

When you pressure test the the crankcase, IMHO going up to 5 psi will be plenty.  Turn off the air (or stop pumping) and see how well the pressure holds on your gauge.  The seal on the crankshaft PTO can pop out of its bore, and if it's covered by the clutch, you may not see it.
After reassembling the carb, when you crank the engine, before it fires, you should see the fuel progressing smartly up toward the carb (assuming tubing transparent).  If you don't, then the pump isn't working.
Suggestions for pressure testing:
  1. Replace the spark plug with a hose barb fitting that you buy or make up.
  2. Use thin sheetmetal to construct a block off plate for the exhaust  The metal does not have to be thick as long as you sandwich it between the muffler/header flange and the block.
  3. Repeat for the intake side.  Sandwich the plate between the carb flange and the reedblock.

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