View single post by Joe Drabicki
 Posted: Mon May 27th, 2019 10:15 pm
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Joe Drabicki
Blackhawk Kart Guru in Florida

Joined: Tue Mar 28th, 2017
Location: North Orlando Area, Florida USA
Posts: 156
Hey Guys!

Horstman Rev-Grip dry clutches were a thing back in the 70s and 80s.

I just sold an outboard spider hub to Bob Alexander. Bob, please post the photo you sent me. I can't transfer it from my phone.

The hub has a McCulloch taper and uses a half moon key to lock it to the crankshaft.

The center of the hub (hub on right in photo) is larger diameter than the center of the hub on the left (assembled hub). We can't identify what the hub on the right is used for, say maybe a drum with 15T or 16T?

I emailed Horstman Clutches about 30 minutes ago. Maybe they can ID it in a couple days. In the meantime, can anyone help ID this clutch spider hub?

Kind Regards,


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