View single post by Joe Drabicki
 Posted: Wed Jan 23rd, 2019 01:39 am
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Joe Drabicki
Blackhawk Kart Guru in Florida

Joined: Tue Mar 28th, 2017
Location: North Orlando Area, Florida USA
Posts: 156
Hey Gents!

Here is a fun game, just for fun. There are no prizes (unless a sponsor wants to give away something), just the satisfaction of knowing the right answer. Maybe once a month, or whenever I have time, I will post a question about a kart. Answer it if you can, just for fun.

Here is Question One:

Ya know those kart work stands that when looked at from the side are shaped like an X and pivot in the frame center? They typically have a pair of kart wheels and tires on one end and caster wheels on the other end.

What ya don't know is that those kart work stands are made from a couple of worn out, retired racing kart frames from the 1960s (this may only be a rumor). Those karts had a straight tube frame down each side and the seat was hanging down below the frame. They weren't Sauder frames. I had one of those and sold it a few years ago.


Last edited on Wed Jan 23rd, 2019 01:42 am by Joe Drabicki

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