View single post by Doug Tenney
 Posted: Sat Aug 11th, 2018 03:58 pm
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Doug Tenney


Joined: Sat Apr 29th, 2017
Posts: 73
Shawn, it depends how much you weigh, and the size of the track/parking lot you plan to use.
I attached a copy of the WB580 power curve from Go Power's ~1960 treatise, How to Hop Up Your West Bend.
I'll also attach the centerfold of the McCulloch owners manual (gearing table).  In the days of the slide-rule, that was probably extra handy!

72/10 = 7.2:1.  That would be ideal if you're over 200 lbs on a small track (perhaps a 100 yard straightaway?).
If you're smaller, or you have more room to run, you could go as tall as 60/10 = 6.0:1.

Remember to upload pics!

Attachment: WB580_power_curve_Go-Power.jpg (Downloaded 73 times)

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