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 Moderated by: Kevin Gagne  


Joined: Mon May 28th, 2018
Posts: 2

After looking at the great pictures from Jeff at Quincy, I have to say I have never seen so many non-vintage vintage karts with all the huge wheels and tires on rear-engined karts....hasn't anyone told them it doesn't make them go any faster, and for my own sensibilities it just looks wrong.....not to mention that many are post '75 with modern brakes, wheels, tires, etc. Personally I don't have a problem with that as long as there are separate classes for them and they aren't running in with the earlier karts. I'm a bit of a hypocrite too because I ran YBN Bridgestones on my '74 Concept 1, which really isn't right either, though I guess my biggest visual issue is with the rear-engined karts, since the '70's sidewinders pretty much look like modern karts anyway.
For me, there's only one rule that needs to be enforced at the vintage events(besides safety): The kart must be 100% period correct, including correct size and style wheels and tires (and hardness), but not brand for obvious reasons?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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