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 Moderated by: Kevin Gagne  
Mike Berg


Joined: Wed Oct 11th, 2017
Posts: 94
I have 2 Atlas engines for sale. At this moment they are in pieces ready for rebuild, both have stock ports. Both engines will be prepared with new pistons,rings,rods,bearings,seals,modern reed cages CF reeds, complete but no ignition or carbs.
price each=$575 each each engine bore =50.9mm
if you wish I can offer the following:
modified cylinders add=$150 each engine
Tillotson HR carb modified for alky=add $100 each engine
shipping=$35 each
I only wish to prepare the engines to suit the buyers wishes.
interested contact: Mike Berg 309 786 3204,, cell=309 749 5658
Thanks for your interest.

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