View single post by Dan Dettmann
 Posted: Sat Jul 15th, 2017 03:51 pm
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Dan Dettmann


Joined: Wed Apr 5th, 2017
Location: Postville, WI
Posts: 95
Remembering back a few years when a forum member, who evidently was a very good welder, received all kinds of flak for admitting that he welded broken flywheel fins back on, I guess I will pass on revealing what I am doing. I've checked out the hardfacing wire available and decided not to go that route since it wasn't available in small spools and also the makeup didn't look safe to be using indoors (which I will need to do) with a questionable ventilation system. I'm leaning toward having it thermal sprayed.

I haven't tried TIG though it's on my mind. I find myself reaching for the oxy/acetylene torch more than anything else since it's the first thing I learned to weld with. The modern MIGs are nice, almost too easy. When repairing a fellow's Bug frame recently with one I actually had to practice to make bad welds so I could match the originals on the frame. Many years ago I asked a neighbor who was a welding inspector at A.O.Smith (they made car frames) to teach me how to arc weld. After about two weeks of evenings welding various metals in all sorts of contorted positions he declared in his German accent that my welds looked like “gans sheisse”. I thought it was a compliment at the time!

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