View single post by Joe Drabicki
 Posted: Thu Aug 27th, 2020 02:05 am
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Joe Drabicki
Blackhawk Kart Guru in Florida

Joined: Tue Mar 28th, 2017
Location: North Orlando Area, Florida USA
Posts: 156
Hey Peeps!

SORRY, The pics are too large.

I have an approximately 6" diameter fan shroud with a starter cup in the middle. The shroud has small holes, about 1/16" diameter all over and a bent down edge. The cup has two notches in the edge opposite each other for catching a knot in the end of a rope to pull start the engine. This appears to be new. I have no clue what engine this would be used on. I just know it is for a two stroke engine.

SORRY, The pics are too large.

The part number inside the cup is 14-87

I googled the part number, looked at images and Clinton and Tecumseh sell similar cups with a shroud. I could not positively ID the part. IF YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS USED ON, PLEASE TELL US!

If you want it, message me with an offer. Thank you for looking.

Kind Regards,


Last edited on Thu Aug 27th, 2020 02:06 am by Joe Drabicki

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