View single post by Joe Drabicki
 Posted: Wed Aug 5th, 2020 02:23 am
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Joe Drabicki
Blackhawk Kart Guru in Florida

Joined: Tue Mar 28th, 2017
Location: North Orlando Area, Florida USA
Posts: 156
Hey Vintage Karters!

Here is my one Blackhawk Poison Arrow seat. I want to have a new replica seat made so I can retire this one.

When I get an upholstery place onboard, then I want to have some fun with the seats, maybe with some alternate color schemes for where the traditional black and white goes and different colors of piping, like kart number 3.

Anybody seen those Fox karts changing up the colors on their seats? I have similar thoughts in mind for some Blackhawk seats.

My first Blackhawk, which is also my first racing kart ever, it is red, which I have thought of going red where the black goes and white piping. I have a blue Blackhawk, which I bought that way. I figure a blue and white seat. I have a burgundy Blackhawk, bought that way, yes a burgundy and white seat. Maybe I should paint one of my eight Blackhawks white, then I can proudly display the red, white and blue, made in America!

Kind Regards,


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