View single post by Jeffrey Sligh
 Posted: Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 12:39 am
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Jeffrey Sligh


Joined: Sat Feb 1st, 2020
Location: Concord, North Carolina USA
Posts: 25
I got the whole kart disassembled now, and I'm about to start cleaning the paint off the kart. I was thinking of using a wire wheel to do this, but if someone else knows of another way besides media blasting, I'm willing to try it! I am also needing to know if the Bug yellow is the same as Mac yellow? I am going to have to find a steering shaft for the old girl, and it looks like I am going to have to redo the aluminum for the seat. Anyone know of a good way to make the Nylites white again? In one way they match the kart with a little yellowing on them, but since everything else is going to be painted and polished, I figure that making them white would be the thing to do. The pedals, the control rods, the spindles, and the tie rods on the kart all look to be either nickel plated or chromed. Anyone know what K&P actually did on these parts? Cad plated maybe? I'll need to do this to a steering shaft if I can't find an OEM one someplace. Still trying to find out what sprocket hub K&P used as an OEM, Tru-A-Line? Hegar? Anyone have a recommendation for someone to repair a small crescent shaped tear in the upholstery or know of something that will work besides duct tape? What's good to use to get varnish out of the gas tank? More gas and some bb's? Sorry for all the questions in one post, but if you have an answer to any of these questions, you can either post it here or send me a PM. Figure that if you post it here, it might eliminate some other Newb to restoring a vintage karts, like me, asking all these questions... LOL!

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